
Next Step

Well, Kari's Dad looked over our proposal and made a few suggestions and overall thought it was great. We are meeting again Sunday, 2/8/09 and will put the whole package together, like coming up with and practicing the pitch. None of us have ever done anything like this before, at least, I think not. It should be interesting and I want it to be FUN. :)
til next time.... Tracy


Tracy's bio attempt

Tracy Lacue is a personal chef, specializing in delicious healthy cuisine including the area of raw and living foods. A line of raw desserts that she created is sold around the Metro Atlanta area. She has extensive knowledge of computers and "IT" and also spent 4 years doing accounts payable, where she gained her knowledge of Quickbooks. Tracy has a degree in Medical Technology and has over 25 years of experience in laboratory science. Besides her love of cooking, she enjoys movies, travel and walks in the woods. She is a quick study at whatever venture she chooses to undertake. She has the passion and drive to get things done and she "will" make things happen.

Creating Our Company

Welcome to Tracy Kari Millie, better known to us as TKM Enterprises. Who knew there would be so many of them... TKM Enterprises that is... out there. We started this company because we want to get into the world of Internet eCommerce. We went to a seminar about it and they sold us hook, line and sinker. It sounded so good that we immediately invested a lot of money and began to brainstorm for a product. We settled on compact fluorescent light bulbs and set off for the business license office. That was 6 months ago.

That office took so long to get back to us that we got a little derailed... lost our momentum and floundered...then we didn't like our product choice anymore and didn't know what to do. After a brainstorming meeting, we have an idea! It's a great idea... it's the one I've had from the start...and my passion and excitement sold my partners on it too.

So now we are in the process of writing a formal business proposal to the company in the hopes that we will be able to market and sell their products on our website. Brilliant!

What I have to do now is write my bio. Everyone is doing their own and then we'll add them to the proposal. I'm going to write mine right here in the next post and then I can just email it to Millie, who is the one typing it up. Kari came up with the first draft and I think it's brilliant. We only have to tweek it and Kari's dad is going to give it his once over, too.

I better get writing....
